The Relationship
Our relationship and how we interact with our clients is the one of the most important things that we do at Lifestyle Tax and Financial. We accomplish this by being accessible throughout the year for consultations and to answer your questions. Our flat fee pricing policy promotes dialogue without the fear of running up hourly charges.
Our firm assists clients and businesses in states throughout the country. Clients generally prefer one of the 3 types of relationships, with a brief description listed below:
1. Virtual- Clients upload their tax documents onto our secure server Sharefile. Together we review the tax return over a secure web conferencing program called Screen Leap. This will enable the client to see our computer screen as we talk through the pages of the tax return. Signatures are done electronically, and the finished tax return is placed on Sharefile for download by the client.
2. Hybrid- A client who perhaps likes to meet in person to review their tax return, but sends all documents by uploading them on Sharefile. Hybrid can have any number of aspects of both Virtual and Old School.
3. Old School- A client who may not feel comfortable using the internet, or just likes the in person relationship. They can either mail or drop off their tax documents, and meet in person to review and sign their tax return.
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